Well I got my wish, a really good covering of snow 3-4 inches by the end of the day. I even woke early to see if had arrived as forecasted and it had, very exciting (big kid)! I can't help it, I just love the stuff! Yes it's a pain when it comes to getting the animals fed, and if you have to go out on the roads it's hazardous ... but for the little amount we get here I enjoy the change and just love the smell and the feel of it crunching underneath my feet and how beautiful and brand new everything looks. Thankfully we didn't have to go out in the car anywhere, bread and sweeties were bought from the village shop on the way home from our walk!
The weanlings looked a bit confused by it all this morning .. their first experience of snow and they were all sat out in the field when I looked out first thing. As soon as it got light they all went into their shelter and they have been there ever since!
Thankfully I had done a double hay-up yesterday in preparation but by this evening a few hay feeders were looking low so out with the sledge to haul the bales about. I know it's a bit basic but we don't have the luxury of a quad or little buggy thing and for the amount of animals we have it's enough in the short term.
Snow pacas |
Meon River scenes |
Jazz and Polly |
Droxford church |
The Boys |
Bond - poor chap! |
The Sorcerer |
The weanlings venturing out for 2 mins to see what I'm doing! |
Oh Karen, I have to agree, it looks beautiful! Everything looks dusted in icing sugar! It has been years since I lived in the UK and in the snow, and yes it gets cold, sludgy and your hands hurt...but it is so picturesque! :) Lisa