Aristotle remarked "One swallow does not a summer make, nor one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy."
So, you may have guessed that I have seen one swallow, not one of ours who nest in our stables, someone else's who was probably just passing through. We did have one fine day sometime last week I think, but a few more would make me happy - probably not entirely!
There is a rumour that we are going to have 20 degrees at some point this weekend, well, I shall believe it when I feel it. Today is grey, and a bit showery and 12 degrees, so a big improvement on the last few weeks of bitterly cold Siberian wind, and almost warm enough for the grass to grow.
Our grass, whilst being ridiculously short, has at least gone green now that it's rained a little. I'm still a long way off putting the girls onto rested fields though - they'd love the change and would eat what little grass there was, but I would far rather they ate haylege which probably has more goodness in it. Getting hold of good forage has been a real problem this winter.
Now earlier I had a rant about our latest haylege delivery, but I've changed my tune as the lovely man swapped the bales for me and didn't moan once! I will be buying more from him in future.
Absolutely chucking it down now ....
I have put a quite a few of our boys up for sale. Lots of weanling boys and some of our studs and potential studs. It's always difficult making these decisions, but we have their sires, and in Ardingly's case his son, and we have to make space for the next generation. Two of my favourites are Bond and Baylee, both sired by Snowmass Invincibly Elite xx from our best line of white females, both rising 2 and should work this summer.
Bond |
Bond's fleece yesterday |
Bond |
Baylee |
Baylee's fleece |
Baylee |
Now it's lunchtime, so I'm going for a bowl of warming soup, I really can't wait for those warm picnic lunches in the 'pacas fields, watching the swallows diving in and out of the stables.