These pics were supposed to be at the end ... oh well that's what happens when you try and post, cook the dinner and have a large Gin & Tonic all at the same time .. our crias x

I am still waiting for more crias, I swear my head turns better to the left than the right, because when I sit at my desk I am constantly looking out the window beside me for any tell-tale signs of impending births! Pics of some very pregnant ladies ... cria trying to climb out of Bonita - has been for weeks!

Pokey-out bit under her tail - 'let me out'!

View from my desk ...

Yara - a very low slung tum!

Today I have been doing a bit of halter training on the yearling boys and sorting out some fleeces ready to take with us to the Alton Show this Sunday. I see from the plan that they have put us in our usual spot  near the cattle and sheep lines - every now and then they move us and our regular visitors get most upset if they can't find us. Our first Agricultural Show of the Summer and the forecast is for hot sunny weather ... thankfully they always give us a really nice big open marquis so we'll be in the shade.  Come and say hello and meet the boys - bring a lolly with you please!

Yerba our llama with the boys

That's a lot of fleece, which I must get round to hand shearing off, and a lot of llama!
The boys being very subservient to Yerba - they know who's boss!


  1. Lovely photo blog Karen. We too are at our first agricultural show of the year with the alpacas as an exhibit...forecast good for here too!

  2. Lovely baby photos...helping me get my "baby fix" as none here! Yerba looks a character, is he easy to handle? He looks to have more attractive fleece than many llamas I have met...maybe it's all that fraternising with alpacas!!

  3. Now that is a view from a desk that I like - but how on earth do you get anything done? lovely cria pictures!
