Well Akela obliged by having her cria this morning - a beautiful very dark fawn Centurion girl who we have named Andromeda. So that's the last cria giving us 9 boys and 5 girls - not too bad. All perfect timing as I'm off on my hols tomorrow with Rebecca for a week, leaving Peter to peace and quiet and all the animals to look after and a list of jobs -wouldn't want him to get bored!
Bretta's not being a good mum and her cria isn't getting all the milk he should, he's not gaining enough weight, so they're in a stable for a couple of days re-bonding, seems to be working as every time I look in she's feeding him. All the others are putting on stacks of weight - those we can't pick up we don't weigh anymore, as long as they're charging about and playing they're fine!